CS 4411 - Practicum in Operating Systems

General Information

The practicum associated with CS 4410 - Operating Systems. You implement various low-level utilities associated with operating systems, including a threads package, a networking layer, and a file system. All coding is done in C.


Corequisite of CS 4410 - Operating Systems

Topics Covered

  • Non-Preemptive Multitasking
  • Preemptive Multitasking
  • Unreliable Datagram Networking
  • Reliable Streams
  • Ad-Hoc Networking
  • File System


Has been massively overhauled and made much lighter (as of 2019). Six projects, all of which are aprox 6 hours (with a partner) or less.

General Advice

Get a good partner for this course.


Highly recommend, if only because it makes 4410 make a lot more sense and seem more interesting. I hated 4410 but I liked this prac when I took it the next semester.

I enjoyed labs 1-3, as well as 6. Lab 4 was a pain, due to all the small details you had to deal with. Lab 5 was just tedious and uninteresting. Lab 6 was huge, but was fun and interesting. I learnt a LOT about C and OS in this class.

Past Offerings

Semester Time Professor Median Grade Course Page
Fall 2011 - Emin Gun Sirer A- http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs4410/2011fa/CS4411/index.html
Fall 2012 - Emin Gun Sirer B+ http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs4410/2011fa/CS4411/index.html


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