CS 1610 - Computing in the Arts

General Information

This course fills ENGRI or a Liberal Studies requirement. Throughout the semester it is a grab bag of topics somehow related to both computing and some form of art.


Topics Covered

The topics are whatever Graeme Bailey wants to talk about, which can vary from semester to semester. Generally, this includes some of the following topics:

  • Markov chains and applications to random poetry
  • Basic Java programming
  • Group Theory
  • Basic music theory


The workload is not so bad for most of the semester although there is a final project that is the majority of your grade and there are extremely high expectations.

General Advice

Note that your grade in this class is based on only TWO things: one prelim and one final project. You won’t find out how you did on the prelim. In Fall 2008, he admitted to one of the students that the prelims were never graded. The only time you will get your grade in this class is when it shows up on Student Center. The British style of grading is where the grade is based almost entirely on the final evaluation, and Graeme is British, so you do the math.


Fun class, but some of the topics went over my head the first semester at Cornell. Honestly, it’s fascinating listening to Graeme talk, and you need an ENGRI, so do it.

Past Offerings

Semester Time Professor Median Grade Course Page
Fall 2008 - Graeme Bailey A http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/CS1610/2008fa/
Fall 2014 - Graeme Bailey B+ None


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